Device Options for Heart Failure – Finding the Fit. CCM®, CRT or BAT?
This webinar will provide an update on device therapy options for patients with heart failure. While HF patients are treated aggressively with GDMT, many remain symptomatic and struggle with everyday activities. Program faculty will discuss the indications for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), Cardiac Contractility Modulation (CCM®), and Baroreceptor Activation Therapy (BAT) as potential options for patients and management of their heart failure symptoms. The session will also include time for Q & A to discuss patient selection and screening to optimize getting patients the therapy best suited for their individual needs.
8/26 Webinar – Heart Failure Pharmacologic Treatment Update & CCM® Therapy Overview
Heart Failure (HF) is a relentlessly progressive disease state previously manageable only by guideline directed medical therapy (GDMT). While this approach has been proven to reduce HF morbidity and mortality, there continue to be issues with compliance, and new medications are often sub optimally utilized. This lecture will review current GDMT recommendations and discuss late breaking pharmaceutical options. Novel breakthrough CCM® therapy for NYHA Class III patients with normal sinus rhythm and an EF between 45% and 25% who are not indicated for CRT will be discussed as a way to close the treatment gap between GDMT and CRT that has existed for too long. It has been more than two decades since a new device-based option has emerged for patients with no other alternatives. This will be your chance to become familiar with patient identification techniques you can use to find appropriate candidates for CCM® therapy in your practice.
CCM® Therapy: Understanding the Procedure and the Fit
Heart Failure is progressive disease state previously manageable only by guideline directed medical therapy (GDMT). This webinar will give an overview of CCM® therapy, the indications for use, and the clinical studies leading to the breakthrough device approval from the FDA. Case studies will be shown to emphasize the need for patient screening, as well as give the audience real world examples of how to implement CCM® therapy in your practice and access to your patients.
CCM® Therapy – Understanding CCM® and Identifying Patients – A Case Based Approach
Heart Failure is a progressive disease state previously manageable only by guideline directed medical therapy (GDMT). Many patients are often left without options in their heart failure treatment and require additional screening to determine whether they are a candidate for available device therapy. This webinar will give an overview of the Optimizer® CCM® therapy delivery system, the indications for use, and share best practices on how to screen patients that may benefit from CCM®. Case studies will be shown to emphasize the need for patient screening, as well as give the audience real world examples of how to implement CCM® therapy in your practice and access to your patients.
CCM® Awareness – Device Options for Heart Failure – Finding the Fit – Let’s Have a Debate
Experts don't necessarily agree!
New device-based options for treating heart failure have arrived - and the indications for their appropriate use occasionally overlap.
This webinar will provide an upbeat and lively discussion between experienced users of each of the current device-based therapeutic options for moderate to severe heart failure. Each faculty member will provide an overview of their specific technology, present the clinical evidence, highlight procedural safety issues (if any), and define indication-based screening processes for appropriate patients.
The device technologies that will be reviewed include: Cardiac Contractility Modulation (Optimizer® Smart), Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), and Baroreflex Activation Therapy (BAT). After each presentation the faculty will debate appropriate patient selection.
AHA Scientific Sessions 2020 – Live Rebroadcast and Q&A – CCM® for Heart Failure: The Class Effect
The importance of accurately assessing the NYHA classification of patients with Heart Failure has never been higher! For almost two decades, the only device available to treat Heart Failure have been cardiac resynchronization (CRT) devices. But now everything has changed. The FDA has approved a breakthrough device for the treatment of Heart failure, and the ability to utilize it depends heavily on accurate NYHA assessment. This treatment can address the almost 1.2M patients who are not candidates for CRT in the US, but only if cardiologists can identify and refer them appropriately. This lecture will explain what Cardiac Contractility Modulation therapy is, how it works, and what you can expect in terms of outcomes when utilizing this treatment for NYHA Class III patients who remain symptomatic in spite of guideline directed medical therapy. The faculty will share their personal experiences and what they have learned about CCM® therapy using case-based examples that include the means by which they have increased their awareness of how to identify appropriate candidates for this important new device therapy for patients with heart failure who have few or no other options.
Assessing Heart Failure Patients – Where does CCM® Therapy Fit?
Heart Failure is a progressive condition and medical management strategies for this patient population has evolved over the years. Assessment of Heart Failure utilizing the NYHA Heart Failure Classification System and EF have been used to diagnose patients and assist providers with optimizing medications and device therapy. This lecture will discuss the fundamental elements to assessing your heart failure patient classification and to stratify them for therapy that it is available for them. The program will introduce CCM® therapy as an option for patients that have NYHA Stage III heart failure and remain symptomatic despite guideline medical therapy. The Optimizer® was designed to improve overall heart function and quality of life for patients. CCM® indications will be discussed as well as best practices for screening patients for HCPs to offer this therapy for patients that qualify for this technology.
Failure is Not an Option: Implementing CCM® from a HF and EP Perspective
Heart Failure is a progressive condition, and medical management strategies for this patient population has evolved over the years. This program will introduce CCM® therapy, review the action mechanism, and how the treatment works at the myocardial level. The faculty will review the clinical safety data surrounding the therapy as well as the indications for use. Evaluation and screening of patients that continue to be symptomatic from their heart failure indications despite being on guideline-directed medical treatment continue to be a challenge on all levels. Our faculty will discuss screening best practices, from both an electrophysiology and heart failure perspective, and how to establish a baseline for patients while giving them access to CCM® therapy that they may qualify to undertake.
For Patients – Free Virtual Seminar: CCM® Therapy for Heart Failure: Is it Right for You?
April 14th, 2021 7:00pm – 8:00pm EDT REGISTER NOW For Patients - Free Virtual Seminar: CCM® Therapy for Heart Failure: Is it Right for You? Register below for a free, virtual seminar facilitated by a cardiologist/ electrophysiologist that will be covering the following topics: Heart failure: What causes it and what happens as a result […]
Setting the Stage for CCM® – From Screening to Implant (a Case Based Approach)
November 17th, 2021 6:00pm – 7:15pm EDTREGISTER NOWSetting the Stage for CCM® — From Screening to Implant (Case-Based Approach) This program will introduce CCM® therapy therapy through the eyes of implanting electrophysiologists. Using their own clinical cases, program faculty will discuss the screening process for eligible CCM patients, the implant procedure, lead placement, and patient follow-up. Each faculty member will […]
Failure is Not an Option – Understanding CCM® Therapy
This program will introduce CCM® therapy as a therapy option for treating NYHA Stage III Heart Failure patients that remain symptomatic despite being on optimal medical treatment. The faculty will explain and break down the mechanism of action of cardiac contractility modulation. The faculty will discuss the screening process for eligible CCM patients from the EP and HF clinical workflow perspectives. Utilizing their personal experience, our thought leaders will explore and describe their experience with CCM and illustrate real-life patient responses to the therapy. The session will also offer case studies to demonstrate processes and outcomes. Lastly, we will allow time for questions and answers to encourage participation and foster a valuable discussion.